I have been attending the WPPI Show for the last five years. By far this was the funnest trip I have had and I need to Thank Kevin Kubota! I went to listen to Kevin speak at WPPI he gave all of us a challenge while we where at WPPI in Las Vegas. He told us to photograph the alphabet using designs or textures. This sounded very easy at first but when you walk the strip of Vegas this was a hard project. My friend Kristie and I starting walking the strip at 3:00P.M. and finished the last letter of the alphabet at 8:00P.M. I want to tell you what camera and lens I used to get all these photographs. I didn't come prepared to do this project. I had my 50D Canon Camera, 28-135 Lens, a CF card that had only 60 images left. Remember the alphabet is 26 letters, I had to get the shot right the first time because I was afraid I was going to run out of memory. All the images are straight out of the camera. ENJOY
I would love to share with you how I got some of the photographs that you see above. Krisitie and I had so much fun walking, running and skipping the strip of Vegas. The first letter I spotted was the letter C but it was to high up for me to get a great shot. I walked into a store and the first door i opened i found a ladder. I was so excited, I got up on the ladder to get the letter C. Did I ask an employee for that ladder, NO because I knew they would say no.
(The letter C)
The letter Z was a hard one for us. As we walked around the Harley Shop, Guess what there it was?

When this group of guys walked passed us, I thought what kind of letter can we make with them. To get the right angle I wanted I needed to be up just a little higher and I didn't have a ladder.

(Letter Z)

These fellows accommadated me.

After walking the stipe for about three hours things started to get really interesting. As we where walking passed this lion we saw the (S) and it was the tail. So Kristie had to jump into the bushes and got them out of the way so I can get the photograph.

(Letter S)

This photograph was one of the most interesting ones of all. When I came accross the grass and brick on the ground I thought that could be our (E) letter. But I was not getting the right angle. Kristie said lets do the cheerleader pose, thanks to four obliging strangers I was able to get the correct angle.

As our flight took off, GUESS WHAT?

(Letter X)

Thank You Kevin Kubota for asking us to try this Challenge.
Brenda! I LOVE it!! So original! I hope you win! That was a lot of work well paid off. What a fun and great experience. I had a great time at WPPI with you!
fantastic pictures! bright, colorful, creative and just plain fun! You are one of the coolest funnest photographers I have ever met! Keep up the great work! Glad you learned and had fun in Vegas!
Thanks for sharing your fantastic work!
Kelly Winslow
That was incredible Brenda!! Those pictures are amazing!! Very nice work!! Looks like you had fun taking them...Glad you had a good time in Vegas!
Love Leanora
Wow, what a fun, but hard challenge! I look forward to hearing from Christine about her experience there in Vegas with you!
Awesome! Love it. Isn't it amazing we were at the same place and didn't have ANY of the same letters? The creative mind is an amazing thing. Great stories to go along with it, too.
Excellent work!! These all are fabulous pics of vegas!!! Thank you for sharing.
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